"Tropical Landshells of the World" is a visually stunning book that adopts a regional approach to showcase the diverse landshells found in tropical regions worldwide. Despite its 36-year age as of my writing this, the book remains remarkably current in its taxonomy.
The book opens with a foreword, acknowledgments, and an introduction to the world of landsnails. It provides a comprehensive overview of the five major regions covered in the book, along with detailed information about the sub-regions within each. Following this introductory section, readers will find in-depth systematic accounts of the landshells, complemented by an extensive collection of regional bibliographies. The book's layout also organizes the plates in a regional manner
It's important to note that these books are brand new and are part of the publisher's remaining stock. They are sold at the original price. If this book were to be reproduced today, they would easily be triple the price.