Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Brazil
by Luiz Ricardo L. Simone
ISBN 8590667006 (ISBN 13 9788590667001) Published in 2006, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, by Femorale, Ltda. Hardcover binding, the page size is about 8 by 11 inches, 20.5cm, by 28 cm. It has 390 pages of which 277 are page-sized plates of colored photographs, drawings, scanning electron microscope images.
This amazing book was only available for a short time after its publication, before going out of print. It is a shame because it is an excellent book and, it is probably the most complete reference guide to the vast number of non-marine mollusks that are found in Brazil. The book illustrates more than 1100 species which are listed according to their scientific placement in the table of contents which is on 24 pages at the front of the book and, a conventional index of specific names and the higher classifications. The book rightly calls itself an iconographic catalog and as such, only the shell name is listed along with the parts of Brazil and its surrounding areas in which they are found. Many of the specimens illustrated are of type, paratype and syntype specimens. Although not all of these shells are in prime condition, they serve for making positive identification of the shells possible.
This is the only copy of this book that I have had in a great many years. The book does have a bump on the lower open edge of the front cover. But it is impossible to tell if this is a used book that is in excellent condition or, if it is a new, unused book,