Conchological Iconography
Conchological Iconography
We are now able to offer these fine publications at a reduced price for a limited time
This is a series of publications that began in 1999 and now has 18 sections in print. Each section consists of a study of the shells in one Family, one Genus, or that occur from a certain region. The sections are done by professional malacologists and advanced amateur collectors with a special knowledge of the shells they are writing about. Each section consists of a text section with a description and discussion about the shells and a section of very high quality color plates that show these shells. Most often several specimens are show to illustrate the variability in a given species and also detailed close ups and photographic identification keys are often provided.
iconographic study of these beautiful, primitive gastropods
most complete study of this popular family to date
guide to this popular family also be sure to see revision published later
order now - important update to Genus